Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Starting Module 3

I would firstly like to announce my new arrival, baby Oliver Press, born 5th Jan 2013 8lbs 5ozs. He is a handsome little fellow. My 19 month old daughter adores him, although she has been difficult at times.

I have therefore just approached starting Module 3, having suggested to Paula that I defer until next term. However I realise that the Professional Inquiry for Module 3 is a completion of all of the hard work already done in Module 1 and 2, thus making more sense to strive to finish the programme without taking a long break.  I read Paula's blog on Module 3 which also inspired me to continue.


I now need to keep a reflective journal and use my Module 2 Plan to organise my timetable and resources in preparation for collecting data.

Good luck everyone and keep blogging!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Gemma! Not only on the birth of your little boy Oliver, but on deciding to persevere with module 3 this term. There were many moments during the last module when I felt like deferring due to the intensity of the course, feeling despondent & also trying to juggle everything whilst trying to find a direction for my inquiry and career/business! I commend you! :-) Your inquiry is very interesting too- I found myself using a YouTube video based on the impact of social media on people & relationships for my teenage drama classes last year which Simone uploaded onto her Blog. I hope this module goes well for you.
    Best Wishes,
