Saturday, 10 November 2012

What i have learnt about ethics - 5C

My enquiry plans to look into the effectiveness of using ICT within dance teaching. This proposal hopes to benefit my students by raising attainment levels, through visual learning aids and assessment tools (such as video feedback for self-evaluation). If the outcome of this enquiry proves to be in the best interests of my students then I believe the investigation will be morally correct "Consequentialism".

Following the theory of "Obligation" I will need to ask my students to sign an agreement in order to take part in this enquiry. I will create a disclaimer to re-assure students that they will remain anonymous and revise statement documents to clarify there is no penalty for refusing to take part and that this will not effect student grades. I will be acting as a teacher researcher.

"Action research is a valuable tool for gaining access to contexts, people and knowledge that would otherwise remain inaccessible (Kidd and Kral 2005 Reader:61)

Through studying ethics I have discovered the importance of gaining permission from my subjects, in order to ensure ethical practise. I also plan to read e research of John Hattie on visible learning for teachers, and to find out where the use ICT fits into his rank order graph (Distribution of effect sizes) for positive learning effects.


  1. Action research is a valuable tool, as is research about practice. Once you get started it will be hard to stop - but learning more about methodology is appropriate for creating evidence based practice.

  2. Hi Gemma. Ethical practice in your research is important, especially as yours involves young people. I suggest you refer to your school’s student identity protection policy and media consent form to help when you create your disclaimer.

    In our school a media consent form is given to parents to sign at the beginning of the year. This gives the school permission to take pictures of students on trips and during projects and allows them to be displayed in the school and other public arenas.

    I will be referring to both the student identity protection policy and media consent form to understand the procedures I need to follow for my enquiry.
