Thursday, 14 March 2013

Campus Session 2


Having attended campus session 2 on Wednesday 13th March 2013 I come to realise, to my delight, that I am seem to be on track with my Professional Inquiry so far. In the past few weeks I have been busy collecting data, researching my topic and reading literature. I now begin to move into stage 4 and start to plan how best to analyse my findings. Some of which I will be including into my final Artefact.

I have decided that my Artefact will be a Power point presentation, to enable me to show pictures and video footage, as well as talking about my inquiry findings. This style of Artefact will be suitable for my target audience (my college Head teacher and the Head of Performing Arts department). In addition to this I will also produce a poster to display in the staff room to share my findings with all staff members.

Please also see Paula Nottingham’s Blog, video created explaining ideas for an Artefact.

Paula also explained to us the requirements of the four areas to the 6,000 words “Critical review”. This review should have an Introduction, Evaluation of tools used, and Analysis of findings/literature and Critical Reflection. In groups we then discussed our plans for our Professional Inquiry, writing down each other’s ideas. Looking back at this document it appears to be a first draft for my inquiry Introduction;

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