Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Focus group - sharing ideas

Please join my focus group to discuss and share ideas about media supporting dance : )

Please also send me links to any focus groups you have created so I can sign up.*1_*1_*1


  1. Hi Gemma, From talking to a colleague today, he mentioned the fact that there is a term used for people who are born before digital technology (digital immigrant) and those born during or after (digital native). As I responded within your survey, I think that technology is important as a method of learning for children as they are surrounded by digital technology every day and it is second nature to them....

  2. Hi Gemma

    I have joined your group! The school i currently teaching at is busy getting ready for a show at the 02. There are over 50 branches of the school involved! A huge task needless to say!

    Previously the head office has supplied teachers with choreography notes and maps for staging etc and the children are supplied with music and song words. This year they have created a youtube channel for the purposes of learning the work for the show. It is a private channel, only children who have been given access via their teachers are able to use it. (Covering security and ethical issues) It is proving to be really successful! Most of the children I teach have access to the internet and are actually learning the work more quickly! I think they feel quite mature being able to approach their work in this manner and it gives them a certain amount of responsibility! The videos only cover block choreography not the entire staging but it acts as a recap for the children until they see me the following week!

    I have found it to be a very useful tool! Particularly if children miss weeks etc. What are your thought on this?


  3. Hi Kelly,

    I think that You Tube is very useful for students to self reflect and also use for rehearsal support.

    How have they managed to get around the ethical issues with regards to sharing video footage of students on social network sites?


  4. Hi Gemma

    The channel they have created is a private one so can only be accessed by pupils who attend the school. If you search for it via google or youtube you can't see it. The choreography is performed by the movement director of the school so no children are involved. As far as I am aware there is only one piece performed by students and parental/guidance signatures were obtained prior to the filming.

    I think its a very modern way of working. Of course I think it is much preferable to work in person but has proved to be a very useful tool in this circumstance. The school has hundreds of branches and rather than have visits from head office to each and every school, they have created one very accessible method!

    It also eliminates any discrepancies within the written notes as teachers can often interpret written choreography in different ways.

    Hope this is interesting to you!?
