Monday, 29 October 2012

5C part 1

From this study I have learnt a great deal about the values which create the structure of my organisation, and how these have linked to ethical beleifs and policies. I will in future consider how my own ethical values influence my decision making as a teacher in the Performing Arts. An obvious value here would be the health and safety and welfare of my students, and how I must gain their permission in order to carry out research. I do beleieve this may benefit and enrich their own learning, however understand that they have the right to choose weather to take part in my inquiry regarding the use of ICT. I will need a disclaimer advising that I will not be publishing any of the video footage made or revealing student names in my results date.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - all of the above in considering for your inquiry - we have some sample consent forms that can be found under the Module 3 tab and the ethics and employer support form are now all up - so take a look to prepare for planning your inquiry.
